
$ openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -k secret -P -md sha1 salt=E2EE3D7072F8AAF4 key=C94A324B7221AA8A8760DA0717C80256EF4308EC6068B7144AA3BBA4A5F98007 iv =5C7CB13DBDA69B2C091E0D5E95943627 I thought I could just read the key string and base64 decode it to get a 256-bit AES key, but that didn't work because 64 characters turned into a 384-bit byte array. Generate an AES key plus Initialization vector (iv) with openssl and; how to encode/decode a file with the generated key/iv pair; Note: AES is a symmetric-key algorithm which means it uses the same key during encryption/decryption. Generating key/iv pair. We want to generate a 256-bit key. $ openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -in plaintext.txt -base64 -md sha1. This will result in a different output each time it is run. This is because a different (random) salt is used. The Salt is written as part of the output, and we will read it back in the next section. When you use openssl enc, you need to select a mode of operation in addition to the key size, e.g. Aes-256-cbc specifies the mode CBC with PKCS#5 padding. CBC specifies how to encrypt multiple 128-bit blocks, and PKCS#5 specifies how to pad the message to a whole number of blocks.) AES-256 requires a 256-bit key, period.

echo -n 'That's the text' openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc -a
Encrypt with interactive password. Encrypted message is base64-encoded afterwards.
echo -n 'That's the text' openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc -a -k 'MySuperPassword'
Encrypt with specified password. Encrypted message is base64-encoded afterwards.
echo 'GVkYiq1b4M/8ZansBC3Jwx/UtGZzlxJPpygyC' openssl base64 -d openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc
Base-64 decode and decrypt message with interactive password.
echo 'GVkYiq1b4M/8ZansBC3Jwx/UtGZzlxJPpygyC' openssl base64 -d openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -k 'MySuperPassword'
Base-64 decode and decrypt message with specified password.

commented Mar 13, 2020

Openssl Generate Aes 256 Key Base64 Download

Your decoding examples don't include -a so wouldn't Base64 decode the input string, right? Also worth noting that you should now include the password key function and iteration count as well, e.g. openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 1234 -a -k <password>

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Ecrypt data using aes-256-cbc without salt Decrypt the encrypted data by add one more option -d$ echo 'HEQ/s/mOMof648tJxJvvwtHUTcq2j021RbgvqLA02lY=' openssl aes-256-cbc -a -nosalt -d -k hellothis is hello world-d meas decryption

Key generator for windows 7 free download. Your can also use openssl encrypt files by passing the -in -out params. without -k option, it will prompt for a password.

Let's play it one more time, the output is exactly the same as the previous one. This is because we turned off the salt.

Ecrypt data using aes-256-cbc with salt

Let's play it one more time.

Each time we encrypt with salt will generate different output.

The same as encryption by add -d option.

Add -p option the checkout what did openssl do while encryption:

  1. It first generate an 8-byte long salt;
  2. By concating the password and salt, it generate the key(32 byte length) and iv(16 byte length)
  3. Then encrypt the data with key and iv using standard aes-255-cbc algorigthm;

Aes 256 Java

So what's algorithm used for generating the key and iv?From openssl docs: simply using md5 of the salt and password.md5 generate 16-byte data one time. but the key(32-byte) and iv(16-byte) totally need 48-byte data.So we need to run md5 at least 48/16 = 3 time.

ps: Why key is 32-byte length and iv for 16-byte length?

  1. aes-256-cbc, 256 meas it use 256 bit key, that's 32-byte.
  2. so aes-192-cbc use 24-byte key;
  3. aes-128-cbc use 16-byte key.
  4. iv is always 16-byte.

Next question, how do we get the salt from ecrypted data. Let's check it.


The first 8-byte of encrypted data is 'Salted__', which meas the data was encrypted using salt.The next 8-byte is the salt, which is exactly the same as openssl -p output.

The left bytes are the cncryped data.

Here is the nodejs decrption code:

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